Did you get one of the 0 Teemo pentakills in 2024? We got the answer.
Numbers don't have to be complicated
YearIn.LoL is built to present easily understandable and fun statistics about your long-term performance.
For every competitive stat, a fun stat
YearIn.LoL is for players of all strengths. We'll give everyone a meaningful and fun way to view their achievements in the past year.
Not a single game missing
We have collected EVERY. SINGLE. GAME to provide you the best and most complete statistics you can get. To achieve this, we circumvented API limitations to get truly every game in every mode available.
Community manager
Truly our Swiss Army knife. From writing some of our APIs to chatting with you on social media, Rick is involved in every aspect of YIL.
Data QA
Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we had a systemic data issue and published wrong numbers for everything? Cyari is our lifeguard against that.
QA tester
You AFK'd, got delayed pentakills, hit snowball on minions, controlled Tibbers with R, and in general provided us with more QA than we wanted or possibly could have asked for. Thanks a lot.