In 2023, summoners played 1,486,846,932 games total. That's more than 41 games started per second!
Based on number of games played, 12.23 was played the most, with 163,517,222 games total.
58,262,440. All of them official!
104,432,185,414 kills in total! Together with 171,342,748,130 assists by teammates.
1,291,577,805,721. If that sounds like a lot, don't ask how many cannon creeps got missed. (We actually don't have the data for that.)
Everyone’s total vision score is 187,466,499,610. On average, each player contributed 12.6 per game.
The total playerbase pressed 2,916,035,658,399 keys in total. The average mechanical keyboard switch can sustain 50,000,000 total presses, so collectively we destroyed 560 full-size keyboards.
Highest: Singed, with a winrate of 52.8396%. Lowest: LeBlanc, with a winrate of 45.3885%.
Most popular champion: Lux Least popular champion: Skarner Teemo popularity rank: 33/166
Enough for 182,517,318,017 pings total! That’s 12.28 pings per player per game.
Think you can Guess that Ping Score on a global scale?
16562485940 total snowballs were thrown! 2542433 players played Snowball in all of their games. 240110 players played at least 10 ARAM games and took Snowball in all of them. 6490 ARAM games lasted longer than 60 minutes Sion had the highest ARAM winrate, at 53.7888%. LeBlanc had the lowest ARAM winrate, at 43.1542%. Players worked together to explode 111317102 poros! 15228970 players took Exhaust at least once. In total, Exhaust was taken 32459661 times. 39232589 total pentakills were secured in ARAM.
Naptime! The playerbase spent 945.7 centuries looking at grey screens. This is out of a total 6,799.7 centuries played, or 13.9% of the time.