Licenses used for YearIn.LoL

@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core 6.4.0

MIT, The Font Awesome Team (

@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons 6.4.2

(CC-BY-4.0 AND MIT), The Font Awesome Team (

@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons 6.4.2

(CC-BY-4.0 AND MIT), The Font Awesome Team (

@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons 6.4.2

(CC-BY-4.0 AND MIT), The Font Awesome Team (

@fortawesome/react-fontawesome 0.2.0

MIT, n/a

@sentry/nextjs 7.108.0

MIT, Sentry

@urql/core 4.1.1

MIT, urql GraphQL Contributors

chart.js 4.4.1

MIT, n/a

cookie 0.5.0

MIT, Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>



eslint 8.44.0

MIT, Nicholas C. Zakas <[email protected]>

eslint-config-next 13.4.9

MIT, n/a

expr-eval 2.0.2

MIT, Matthew Crumley

graphql 16.8.1

MIT, n/a

i18next 22.0.0

MIT, Jan Mühlemann <[email protected]> (

i18next-chained-backend 4.4.0

MIT, Jan Mühlemann <[email protected]> (

i18next-http-backend 2.2.1

MIT, n/a

i18next-localstorage-backend 4.1.1

MIT, Jan Mühlemann <[email protected]> (

license-report 6.5.0

MIT, Yaniv Kessler

lodash 4.17.21

MIT, John-David Dalton <[email protected]>

markdown-it 14.0.0

MIT, n/a

markdown-it-anchor 8.6.7

Unlicense, n/a

next 13.5.6

MIT, n/a

next-seo 6.1.0

MIT, Gary Meehan [email protected]

ni18n 1.1.0

MIT, Jose Quintas <[email protected]>

protobufjs 7.2.5

BSD-3-Clause, Daniel Wirtz <[email protected]>

react 18.2.0

MIT, n/a

react-confetti 6.1.0

MIT, Aaron Lampros <[email protected]>

react-dom 18.2.0

MIT, n/a

react-i18next 12.0.0

MIT, Jan Mühlemann <[email protected]> (

react-parallax-tilt 1.7.154

MIT, Marko Kosir <[email protected]>

react-scroll 1.8.9


react-snowfall 1.2.1

MIT, Cahil Foley

react-swipeable 7.0.1

MIT, n/a

react-tooltip 5.19.0

MIT, ReactTooltip

react-use 17.4.2

Unlicense, @streamich

sass 1.63.6

MIT, Natalie Weizenbaum [email protected]

sharp 0.32.6

Apache-2.0, Lovell Fuller <[email protected]>

simplebar-react 3.2.4

MIT, Adrien Denat

urql 4.0.5

MIT, urql GraphQL Contributors